Other services - NoorIslam

Thermal Spray Services

NIEC offers thermal spray technology for the rebuilding of the worn out shafts and bearing housings and precision grinding to the original dimensions. Our thermal spray range includes nickel chrome, SS316 L stainless steel wires.

Line boring services

We offers in-situ line boring services with the dedicated machineries to suit your on site requirements and work shop requirements with the boring capacity of diameter 300 mm to 1800 mm long and other custom sizes.

Plate Rolling Services

NIEC offers plate rolling services for material ranging from mild steel, stainless steel, super duplex etc. with appropriate PVC covering on the rollers to ensure the plates with contamination free. Our rolling machine capacity includes 40mm thickness plate x 3000 mm diameter.

CNC Water Jet Cutting Services

We offer precision CNC water jet cutting of the materials ranging from mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, super duplex etc. Our water jet machine range includes 120 mm thickness x 3000 mm x 2000 mm.

CNC Oxy fuel & Plasma cutting services

We offer precision CNC Oxy fuel & Plasma cutting services of the materials ranging from mild steel, stainless steel etc. Our Oxy fuel cutting range includes 300 mm thickness x 3000 mm x 3000 mm.         Our Plasma cutting range includes 35 mm thickness x 3000 mm x 3000 mm.